2022 Sustainable Investing Report
In releasing our 2022 Sustainable Investing Report, we are excited to reflect on our ESG practices and successes to date and are eager to continue building momentum and furthering Fiera Capital’s sustainable investing journey.
Other Insights
Natural Capital – Agriculture and Timberland Asset Class Spotlight
With more than half of the world’s gross domestic product moderately or highly dependent on nature, recognizing the value of natural capital and prioritizing its sustainable management is essential for achieving long-term environmental, social and economic prosperity.
New Zealand: The Safe Haven Story
This multi-series report aims to provide a general understanding of New Zealand and explore its differentiating features as an investment safe haven.
Fiera Atlas Global Companies Strategy: Research and Risk
In the final video in our Atlas series, David Naughtin, Portfolio Manager, describes the team’s research process and how they think about risk.
Fiera Atlas Global Companies Strategy: Portfolio Construction
In the penultimate part of our Fiera Atlas video series, Neil Mitchell, Portfolio Manager, explores how the team construct the Atlas portfolio and their approach to diversification and risk.
Fiera Atlas Global Companies Strategy: Company Selection
In the next part of the Fiera Atlas video series, Andy Gardner, Portfolio Manager, explains the thinking behind team’s stock selection, including how they define and identify exceptional companies.
Q3 2024 Investment Outlook & Portfolio Strategy